No one should go hungry.
Food is health. Food is oxygen. Food is a basic human right. And so much more.
FISH of Vancouver (Friends in Service to Humanity) provides nutritionally-balanced food without charge to anyone declaring their need. We know the importance of good nutrition and how it can affect the lives of everyone in our community. With good nutrition infants develop properly, children are more successful in the classroom and the elderly stay healthier. Families have stronger bonds when sharing a good meal. Food provides energy and HOPE! OUR OPEN HOURS: We combat hunger Monday through Friday, 10 am to 2 pm and the fourth Saturday of each month, 10 am to noon plus off-site locations, FISH combats food insecurity each day. Join us!

Pantry Hours
Monday - Friday 10am-2pm Saturday openings: February 22nd 10am - 12pm March 22nd 10am - 12pm April 26th 10am - 12pm

Get Help
Do you or does someone you know need food? We are here to help. We provide nonperishable staples, meat, produce, dairy, and other nutritious foods plus hygiene items.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! We provide food for hundreds of all ages each day. Volunteers like YOU make this happen. Join the FISH Team!

Funds and food ensure that FISH can serve our community. You can help end hunger by donating. Learn how you can donate food, give funds, be a Business Friend of FISH (BFF) or become a Sustaining Circle member.

Our Newsletter
Check out our latest newsletter.

Our Strategic Plan
We are on the move! Read a two-page summary of our plans.

Great Changes!
We are growing and on the move!
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